Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Touring national parks with RV easier with new smart phone apps

The wave of new-tech gadgets seems to be forcing some of us "old dogs" in the RV lifestyle to learn new tricks. Have you got an Iphone? If you do, you probably already know about "apps" that make your phone do tricks you never dreamed of.

Chimani, a mobile phone application developer, says lots of people turned up for a free app giveaway that turns your Iphone or Droid into a personal tour guide of some of America's best-loved National Parks. During National Park Week, Chimani says folks downloaded over of their 100,000 apps for free, covering (in order of the greatest number of downloads): Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Acadia, Cape Cod (National Seashore), and Cayahoga Valley National Parks.

A company news release touts, "Each of the five national park apps are an indispensable resource for anyone exploring some of the most visited national parks. Each delivers constantly updated content, including ranger led activities, free shuttle bus schedules and news alerts. Users can view sunset and sunrise times for the most memorable scenic overlooks, access tide schedules along the coast, review lodging options, plan hikes, and much more." That much more business includes turning your smarty phone into a GPS-enabled map, guiding you through the ins and outs of these national treasures.

Since you missed the free give-aways, the price you'll pay now is $4.95 per app. The Chimani iPhone apps can be downloaded from Apple's iTunes App Store and the Android versions from the Android Marketplace (keyword: "chimani").

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